取り扱い野菜について About Our Vegetables
At Takei Farm, ‘vegetable creation’ continues until the produce reaches the customer’s mouth. From the selection of ‘varieties’ to ‘shipping quality,’ We meticulously handle every step - cultivation, harvest, packaging, and table presentation. we focus on delivering ‘heart-touching vegetables’ at the ‘right moment to enjoy their deliciousness.’ Please savor them.
飲食店・シェフの皆様へ for Restaurants and Chefs
Enchanted by the profound depth of agriculture, I have managed my farm under the belief that “there is no end to vegetable creation,” focusing on delicious “varieties” and “shipping quality.” As a result, many restaurant chefs and culinary researchers have come to use vegetables from Takei Farm.
日本最大級のアーティチョーク畑 One of Japan’s Largest Artichoke Fields
お店で使いたくてもフレッシュなものが手に入らず、原価も高い。そんな課題がある「アーティチョーク」を、季節の野菜として日本の飲食店に普及さる目標を立て、「アーティチョークプロジェクト」がスタート。現在は、約1200株のアーティチョークを栽培し、 日本最大級のアーティチョーク畑を保有するに至りました。
Even though chefs want to use them, fresh artichokes are hard to come by and costly. With the goal of popularizing artichokes as a seasonal vegetable in Japanese eateries, the “Artichoke Project” was launched. Now, we cultivate about 1,200 artichoke plants, making it one of the largest artichoke fields in Japan.
メディア掲載情報 Media Coverage
活動紹介 Projects
メディアでの執筆・寄稿 Writing for Media
展開中のプロジェクト Current Project
お問い合わせ Contact
お野菜のご注文 Ordering Vegetables
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執筆のご依頼 Writing Requests
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その他のご依頼 Other Inquiries
For inquiries regarding Takei Farm,
please contact us through the linked form.